Frequently Asked Questions

What can Pilates do for me?

Pilates increases mobility, flexibility and strength. It improves balance and coordination and decreases back pain and stiffness. Pilates will improve your posture, tone your abdominals and back and shorten recovery time following strentuous activity. It’s great for injury prevention and an overall sense of wellness. 


What can I expect in any given session with you?

Variety. You’ll do any combination of mat, reformer, chair and trapeze table work. You can expect to learn about movement and yourself, you’ll breathe, work hard, and build confidence. You can expect me to be present, curious, knowledgable and compassionate. The 1 or 2 hours a week spent in the studio will spill over into everything you do and how you share yourself with the world.

What are your expectations of me?

I expect you to show up, be curious, forgiving of yourself and others, and to always do your best. Bonus points for getting enough sleep and staying hydrated.

I have substantial movement limitations due to illness or injury, can I still do Pilates?

Absolutely. With written permission from your primary care provider, specialist, or physical therapist, we can co-create a program that best supports your specific needs and goals. Please note: you may be a candidate for private work only.

“When all your muscles are properly developed, you will, as a matter of course, perform your work with minimum effort and maximum pleasure.”
~ Joseph Pilates